Scottish Books Search× Act of Parliament Scottish Central Railway(Crieff Branch) Act [Caledonian Railway solicitors office copy] £35.00 1 in stock Scottish Central Railway(Crieff Branch) Act [Caledonian Railway solicitors office copy] quantity Add to basket Act of Parliament Edinburgh, Perth & Dundee Railway Act [Caledonian Railway solicitors office copy] £35.00 1 in stock Edinburgh, Perth & Dundee Railway Act [Caledonian Railway solicitors office copy] quantity Add to basket Caledonian Railway Caledonian Railway (Wishaw and Coltness Railway Purchase) Act, 1849 £20.00 1 in stock Caledonian Railway (Wishaw and Coltness Railway Purchase) Act, 1849 quantity Add to basket Act of Parliament Scottish Central Railway Act [London Midland & Scottish Railway copy] £12.00 1 in stock Scottish Central Railway Act [London Midland & Scottish Railway copy] quantity Add to basket Anon Crofthead and Kilmarnock Railway: Warrant for the Extension of Time Allowed for the Completion of the Extension £25.00 1 in stock Crofthead and Kilmarnock Railway: Warrant for the Extension of Time Allowed for the Completion of the Extension quantity Add to basket Act of Parliament Edinburgh and Northern Railway Act [Caledonian Railway solicitors office copy] £20.00 1 in stock Edinburgh and Northern Railway Act [Caledonian Railway solicitors office copy] quantity Add to basket MELVILLE, Andrew [edited by J.T. Gibson Craig]. Stephaniskion; ad Scotiae regem, habitum in coronatione reginae. 17. Maij. 1590. Edinburgi excudebat Robertus Walde-grave. an. dom. 1590 £95.00 1 in stock Stephaniskion; ad Scotiae regem, habitum in coronatione reginae. 17. Maij. 1590. Edinburgi excudebat Robertus Walde-grave. an. dom. 1590 quantity Add to basket BROWN, Thomas; Moir, John The Stranger’s Guide to Edinburgh: Containing a History and Description of the City With a Particular Account of Its Civil and Political . of the Country in the Vicinity of Edinburgh £80.00 1 in stock The Stranger's Guide to Edinburgh: Containing a History and Description of the City With a Particular Account of Its Civil and Political . of the Country in the Vicinity of Edinburgh quantity Add to basket Anon Edinburgh and its Neighbourhood £8.00 1 in stock Edinburgh and its Neighbourhood quantity Add to basket TROTTER, William [signed on behalf of the Committee]; Committee on the Improvement on the City of Edinburgh. Report on the Improvements of the City of Edinburgh, by the General Committee Named by the Meeting of the Magistrates and Inhabitants held in the New Kirk Aisle on 18th Dec. 1826. £60.00 1 in stock Report on the Improvements of the City of Edinburgh, by the General Committee Named by the Meeting of the Magistrates and Inhabitants held in the New Kirk Aisle on 18th Dec. 1826. quantity Add to basket REID, John Elliot’s New Illustrated Guide to Edinburgh £8.00 1 in stock Elliot's New Illustrated Guide to Edinburgh quantity Add to basket GILBERT, W.M. Edinburgh in the Nineteenth Century: Being a Diary of the Chief Events Which Have Occurred in the City from 1800 A.D. to 1900 A.D. £9.00 1 in stock Edinburgh in the Nineteenth Century: Being a Diary of the Chief Events Which Have Occurred in the City from 1800 A.D. to 1900 A.D. quantity Add to basket Page1 … Page156 Page157 Page158 Page159 Page160 … Page187
Act of Parliament Scottish Central Railway(Crieff Branch) Act [Caledonian Railway solicitors office copy] £35.00 1 in stock Scottish Central Railway(Crieff Branch) Act [Caledonian Railway solicitors office copy] quantity Add to basket
Act of Parliament Edinburgh, Perth & Dundee Railway Act [Caledonian Railway solicitors office copy] £35.00 1 in stock Edinburgh, Perth & Dundee Railway Act [Caledonian Railway solicitors office copy] quantity Add to basket
Caledonian Railway Caledonian Railway (Wishaw and Coltness Railway Purchase) Act, 1849 £20.00 1 in stock Caledonian Railway (Wishaw and Coltness Railway Purchase) Act, 1849 quantity Add to basket
Act of Parliament Scottish Central Railway Act [London Midland & Scottish Railway copy] £12.00 1 in stock Scottish Central Railway Act [London Midland & Scottish Railway copy] quantity Add to basket
Anon Crofthead and Kilmarnock Railway: Warrant for the Extension of Time Allowed for the Completion of the Extension £25.00 1 in stock Crofthead and Kilmarnock Railway: Warrant for the Extension of Time Allowed for the Completion of the Extension quantity Add to basket
Act of Parliament Edinburgh and Northern Railway Act [Caledonian Railway solicitors office copy] £20.00 1 in stock Edinburgh and Northern Railway Act [Caledonian Railway solicitors office copy] quantity Add to basket
MELVILLE, Andrew [edited by J.T. Gibson Craig]. Stephaniskion; ad Scotiae regem, habitum in coronatione reginae. 17. Maij. 1590. Edinburgi excudebat Robertus Walde-grave. an. dom. 1590 £95.00 1 in stock Stephaniskion; ad Scotiae regem, habitum in coronatione reginae. 17. Maij. 1590. Edinburgi excudebat Robertus Walde-grave. an. dom. 1590 quantity Add to basket
BROWN, Thomas; Moir, John The Stranger’s Guide to Edinburgh: Containing a History and Description of the City With a Particular Account of Its Civil and Political . of the Country in the Vicinity of Edinburgh £80.00 1 in stock The Stranger's Guide to Edinburgh: Containing a History and Description of the City With a Particular Account of Its Civil and Political . of the Country in the Vicinity of Edinburgh quantity Add to basket
Anon Edinburgh and its Neighbourhood £8.00 1 in stock Edinburgh and its Neighbourhood quantity Add to basket
TROTTER, William [signed on behalf of the Committee]; Committee on the Improvement on the City of Edinburgh. Report on the Improvements of the City of Edinburgh, by the General Committee Named by the Meeting of the Magistrates and Inhabitants held in the New Kirk Aisle on 18th Dec. 1826. £60.00 1 in stock Report on the Improvements of the City of Edinburgh, by the General Committee Named by the Meeting of the Magistrates and Inhabitants held in the New Kirk Aisle on 18th Dec. 1826. quantity Add to basket
REID, John Elliot’s New Illustrated Guide to Edinburgh £8.00 1 in stock Elliot's New Illustrated Guide to Edinburgh quantity Add to basket
GILBERT, W.M. Edinburgh in the Nineteenth Century: Being a Diary of the Chief Events Which Have Occurred in the City from 1800 A.D. to 1900 A.D. £9.00 1 in stock Edinburgh in the Nineteenth Century: Being a Diary of the Chief Events Which Have Occurred in the City from 1800 A.D. to 1900 A.D. quantity Add to basket