MELVILLE, Andrew [edited by J.T. Gibson Craig].

Stephaniskion; ad Scotiae regem, habitum in coronatione reginae. 17. Maij. 1590. Edinburgi excudebat Robertus Walde-grave. an. dom. 1590


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Publisher: Bannantyne Club

Year: 1828

Edition: First

Format: Hardback

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Facsimile reprint produced by the Bannatyne Club of “The small garland given to the King of Scotland on the coronation of the queen, 17 May 1590”, Title, half title andd 8pp bound in with Verba Joann. Russelli ireconsulti pro senatu populoque Edinburgensi habita, ad serenissimam scotorum reginam Annam. Published Edinburgi : Excudebat Robertus Walde-graue An. Dom…… and The Estate of th King and Quenis Majesties Househakd Reformit (also 1590) Quarter leather, VG

You're viewing: Stephaniskion; ad Scotiae regem, habitum in coronatione reginae. 17. Maij. 1590. Edinburgi excudebat Robertus Walde-grave. an. dom. 1590 £95.00
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