MARTIN, Martin, Gent. A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland. Containing a full account of their situation, extent, soils, product, harbours, bays, tides, anchoring-places and fisheries. antient and modern government, religion and cusoms of the inhabitants. A particular account of the second sight. Methods to improve trade by sea and which is added a Brief Description of the Isles of Orkney and Schetland £25.00 1 in stock A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland. Containing a full account of their situation, extent, soils, product, harbours, bays, tides, anchoring-places and fisheries. antient and modern government, religion and cusoms of the inhabitants. A particular account of the second sight. Methods to improve trade by sea and which is added a Brief Description of the Isles of Orkney and Schetland quantity Add to basket