[DEFOE, Daniel] ....By a Shropshire Gentleman [Edited by E. Staveley]

The History of the Civil Wars in Germany From the year 1630 to 1635: Also genuine memoirs of the wars of England, in the unhappy reign of Charles the first; containing the whole history of those miserable times, until the King lost his head on the scaffold in the memorable year 1648.


1 in stock

Publisher: James Tomlinson, Newark,

Year: 1782

Edition: First

Format: Hardback

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Daniel Defoe’s anonymously published account of the German and English Civil Wars.First published in 1720 and reprinted in 1750. Here reprinted with an editor’s preface, signed: E. Staveley, stating that the work was edited from the author’s manuscript. First thus. In an attractive full leather binding with raised bands and gilt titles. VG

You're viewing: The History of the Civil Wars in Germany From the year 1630 to 1635: Also genuine memoirs of the wars of England, in the unhappy reign of Charles the first; containing the whole history of those miserable times, until the King lost his head on the scaffold in the memorable year 1648. £160.00
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